Saturday, April 24, 2010

How do i calculate weight IE stones in an excel spreadsheet. to work out weight loss?

ie start off at 15 st 6 next is 14 st 9 what would the loss be as an excel function or cell format to display the correct information?

How do i calculate weight IE stones in an excel spreadsheet. to work out weight loss?windows registry

You'd need to use 2 cells to show each weight, ie stones in one (for instance in C3) and pounds (for instance in D3). You can then convert your weight into pounds in cell E3 by typing


The next row would have your next weight, in C4 and D4, and you would copy the formula from E3 down into E4 to give the new weight in pounds.

To calculate the weight loss (say in cell F4), you put =E4-D4

Put your column headings in - column A would be the date, C is stones, D is lbs, E is total lbs and F is weight loss.

Good luck, keep up the good work!

How do i calculate weight IE stones in an excel spreadsheet. to work out weight loss?ie 6 internet explorer

i know it sounds daft, but have you tried Google?

it's great!

just google

"15 stone 6 pounds in kilos"



OK, now I've read the question properly, that is not what you're asking is it! Oops, sorry.
You need to first convert the stone %26amp; pounds to a decimal.

I put them in different cells. So below, 15 is in A2, 6 is in B2 and the decimal is calculated in C2 as =A2 + B2/14 (because there are 14 pounds in a stone).

After you have done the same for the next mass in cells A3, B3 and C3, you can calculate the loss in D3 as "=C2-C3". This will be a decimal, so to convert back to pounds multiply by 14.

StPdsStone (as dec)LossLoss in pds



If you give me your email I will send you a spreadsheet.

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