Sunday, November 29, 2009

I want to dye plastic ie. my xbox 360 controller?

I want to dye plastic ie. my xbox 360 controller.

I've seen an article on how to do it but I can't track down any plastic dyes in the UK.

Can anyone help??

I want to dye plastic ie. my xbox 360 controller?windows media center

Plastic has to be dyed when it is cast. When plastic is molded it needs to be bone dry, the amount of heat used will turn any available water to steam and make the plastic bubble. If there were a way to dye plastic it wouldnt be water based. Even if you could do it, it might be easier to just find one the color you want.

I want to dye plastic ie. my xbox 360 controller?nintendo ds browser internet explorerThe plastic is White to begin with. The spray I've seen actually creates a chemical reaction with the plastic allowing it to soak up the dye rather than adding a layer on top which can be scratched off. Report It

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